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Our SuperOffice CRM solution has streamlined our contract management processes, reducing churn and enhancing customer acquisition by providing actionable insights.

Vincenzo De Matteo, Head of Sales and Individual Market Development

How GGEW will revitalize their sales strategy towards existing customers, lost customers, and prospects.

GGEW is a large provider of energy, telecommunications, mobility, and infrastructure. They recently merged with ENERGIERIED, enhancing their capabilities to meet the challenges in the energy sector.


GGEW needed to let go of major gas and electricity customers due to risk-reduction measures in the energy crises years. Now, they are concentrating on winning back key accounts and acquiring new customers following a customer value-oriented sales strategy. In addition, they focus on minimizing churn and selling more to their existing customers. This requires better contract management in order to maintain an overview and exploit all opportunities.


Photo credit: GGEW AG


To overcome these challenges, GGEW chose SuperOffice. From the outset, SuperOffice focused on the main pain points, presenting a solution tailored specifically to GGEW's needs.

Automatisms will check expiring contracts and remind sales employees in a timely manner to extend them. Furthermore, competitor contracts (if known) will also be included in SuperOffice to increase the chance of acquiring new customers. This new structure will, in the future, make it easier for GGEW to generate lists for tracking the contract situation.

GGEW SuperOffice

Photo credit: GGEW AG


With SuperOffice, GGEW has improved their approach to customer retention and acquisition.

With the new contract process, the sales employees will not forget to extend contracts, thereby reducing customer churn. Keeping an eye on the competition and tracking competitors' contracts in SuperOffice will help in winning more new customers. With our selection it will be much easier for GGEW to identify selling opportunities for existing customers, allowing sales of more products to their customer base. Through dashboards, management gains a better overview of the opportunities and the margins already achieved.

  • Enhanced Customer Insight
  • Improved Contract Management