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The cooperation with SuperOffice is strong. It is not just a supplier, it’s a partner. We have built a personal relationship.

Job Schmidt Managing Director


This is the story of how Boix Europe used SuperOffice CRM to:

  • Improve sales processes
  • Build stronger customer relations with the help of accurate and centralized data
  • Get more insights into business results with the help of dashboards
  • Integrate other systems and tools into a one centralized solution for managing customer relations, projects, sales, and customer service
  • Improve the effectiveness of internal workflows and communication
  • Increase turnover and cut operational costs


Boix Europe is one of the six subsidiaries of Boix Maquinaria headquartered in Spain. A supplier of tray forming machines and market leader in forming and gluing corrugated and solid board packaging, Boix Europe has been operating for more than 10 years.

Located in Eerbeek, the Netherlands, Boix Europe sells and services packaging and tray forming machines, and serves customers in 44 Central and Eastern European countries, mainly in the food industry.

Boix helps customers save on materials, procurement, transportation, and cut labor costs. While sales of machines is a big part of Boix Europe’s activities, the company also offers service, such as on-site technical support, and through the sales of spare parts.


Before Boix started using SuperOffice CRM, they were working with Word, Excel and Outlook to keep track of customers and to manage a big number of projects.

As the company grew, it became increasingly harder to keep track. Therefore, they decided to look for a CRM solution that would help them consolidate their customer registration, communication and project management and make it easier to control and share.

The same disorganized situation was with the company’s customer service. Boix realized they also needed help with streamlining their customer service offering.

Before adopting SuperOffice, they used one email inbox in Outlook where everyone had to deal with all the customer inquiries at once.

This is how Job Schmidt, Managing Director of Boix Europe explains the service pain: “Picking who works with what customer inquiry was confusing. Often, we were not sure which inquiries were dealt with and which were not. Messages used to get lost. It wasn’t good.”


After thorough research, Boix chose SuperOffice CRM because of its user-friendliness, as well as the great rapport they established with SuperOffice professionals from the start of cooperation.

They first started using SuperOffice for sales, and it was the on-premises solution located on their own server.

“Our initial use was to register contacts, companies and activities, archive emails
and documents, but only for the sales team.”
Job Schmidt

At the beginning of 2013, that Boix Europe also introduced SuperOffice Service, thus adding their customer service team to the process of centralization. After the addition of Service, the company started working with customer requests via the united ticketing system, significantly improving the way they managed all customer inquiries for technical support.

“Now we know when the customer service request comes in, who’s responsible,
which company it’s connected to. And our sales reps have access to all communication, knowing what’s happening to the customer, like, when the
last maintenance was done.”
Job Schmidt


From the get-go, the implementation and onboarding of SuperOffice CRM went smoothly and the solution proved very easy to use.

“The system looked easy to understand and user-friendly, accessible with an app, and the price was also rather attractive,” remembers Job Schmidt.

Boix Europe now uses SuperOffice CRM mainly for sales, registration of potential and existing customers, project management, as well as machine inventory.

This information is then used in the service solution to add transparency and context to the registering of technical queries or on-site communications with customers. All information is accumulated in one place and is accessible to all – whether they’re in the office or on the go.

To make sure all users know how to use and see the value behind the CRM solution, Boix organizes regular training. During such sessions, Boix employees can not only ask questions, but also explain to a SuperOffice representative what things they struggle with or find difficult.


Once the basics were in place, Boix employees realized they needed SuperOffice CRM to be more tailored to their business needs. The tailoring of the solution was taken up step by step.

Consultants from SuperOffice worked together with Boix representatives and arranged a number of new customizations, to make sure the system fits the company’s needs.

One such customization was the integration with OutSmart (a platform to plan and manage field service) which helped Boix employees create digital work orders. As a result, each registered machine now has its history documented in SuperOffice under customer, project and machine number.

“Everything is connected: once you find the machine, you find the company, its location, and the ticket number. All departments have access to all the information. Sales work with the company, customer service works with machine numbers, and the finance team works with documents and invoices.”
Job Schmidt


SuperOffice CRM supports Boix in its day-to-day operations by providing an efficient way to manage customer data. Boix can easily capture and track all contacts with customers, including emails, phone calls and appointments.

With SuperOffice CRM, Boix can also set up automatic follow-up tasks to check on the customers, ensuring that all of them get the attention they deserve.

“Our company is growing every year, and the number of machines and
projects constantly increases. So, without a system to manage it all, to store and
share all this information, agreements, contracts, and communication –
it would have been very difficult.”
Job Schmidt

In addition, Boix can with SuperOffice CRM easily generate reports and analytics to understand whether their business goals are being achieved. This, combined with SuperOffice Dashboards, helps Boix to make better decisions, make data-driven decisions, and improve customer experience.

“Dashboards give me an overview of the overall state of business. I can then coordinate or improve the work of separate teams, since I can see what’s going on 
and know what to focus on.” 
Job Schmidt

Depending on the individual or team business processes, SuperOffice CRM can be configured so that an employee sees only what is necessary for their work – cutting off the irrelevant info.

According to Boix, the dashboards and screen designer are the favorite functions of its users. And each department has its own dedicated and process-focused dashboard they can follow.

Next, it’s the internal communication that has improved. “We use SuperOffice to communicate inside the company, too. We share information about available machines, which prospects we talked to, and use each other’s networks,” explains Job Schmidt.

Finally, Boix is said to have improved resource management and lead qualification, as well as reduced operational costs and increased turnover.

Instead of making too many offers to the companies that were not the right fit for company, Boix decided to reduce the number of offers and focus on those with better chances of conversion. And it was SuperOffice CRM that helped them to better qualify leads.

“Instead of making 500 offers left and right, we now only make 250 high-quality offers to prospects that fit our target. This means – less work, less administration, fewer new hires, and a lot of money saved. All this actually increased our turnover,” explains Schmidt. 

“Having SuperOffice CRM allows us to increase our turnover without the risk of
losing control and without the need to hire more people. The same number of
people can now manage more projects.”
Job Schmidt

Overall, SuperOffice CRM has helped Boix to gain more insight into prospecting and optimize their sales process. Team collaboration has become easier, because all the information is always available and up to date.


In 2020, Boix switched to the SuperOffice CRM Online (Cloud) solution, and never regretted the decision.

While the on-premises version was getting older with each year and occasionally had connection problems, the Cloud (online) version of SuperOffice CRM ensures that the company stays up to date with the latest functionality and new features and receives automatic updates.

Boix has grown considerably over the past few years, and it’s not planning to stop. Helping with the company’s’ expansion is SuperOffice, improving operations and customer experience, offering more automation, ensuring process flexibility and customization, and saving resources.

Recently, the company’s headquarters in Spain and the office in the US have also adopted SuperOffice. The solution has helped Boix to share technical questions with various offices better, for example through tickets.

“We store most of your information in SuperOffice CRM. So, instead of calling
each other with questions, we encourage our colleagues to first check the system because most probably the answer is there. And it’s all available online, so whether you’re in the office or working from home – you can access the same information.”
Job Schmidt


According to the Managing Director of Boix, the thing they most appreciate about working with SuperOffice is that they get to work with honest and easy-going people.

These people genuinely care about Boix’s success and are not trying to sell all the latest bells and whistles, but rather focus on the company’s individual needs.

“When we talk about needs and goals, we receive honest advice on what
we should do. Instead of just pushing us to buy the entire package, they recommend that we buy a certain part because it better fits our needs at a certain moment.”
Job Schmidt

At the end of the day, business success is about establishing close relationships.

Boix has an especially good connection with Bas Kreijveld, a SuperOffice Consultant, who has been a long-term and reliable partner. The close, almost personal connection that Bas established with Boix makes the partnership between the two businesses particularly strong and trust based.

“Having a close, long-term relationship with the company matters a lot to us. If the system is not working or we have a problem, we know whom to contact and get help straight away,” describes their relationship, Job Schmidt.

“We had a very good feeling about working with SuperOffice from the very
beginning. And we built trust over the years. Whenever I see a new update in SuperOffice CRM, I contact our SuperOffice manager, and I always get honest feedback whether the new functionality would fit us. Honesty – I like that a lot.”
Job Schmidt