News: SuperOffice integrates marketing automation to CRM. Read more

10% efficiency on internal hours by implementation of SuperOffice

Peter van Bilsen Vice President Marketing & Sales

The Challenge

Vekoma Rides Manufacturing is one of the largest rollercoaster manufacturers in the world and the market leader in the amusements industry with various offices and factories cross the world.

We carry out the entire process in-house from (concept) design to engineering and manufacture. As a European company Vekoma Rides was seeking an easily accessible, user-friendly CRM system which could be used in the head office in Vlodrop and also in the offices in Singapore, China and the USA. Fragmented information across the entire organization led to the need to implement a suitable CRM application. Important information from, and communication with the customer was department-led and was not shared due to the fact that various databases were not linked. Vekoma Rides then set up a working group to summarize the business processes involved in the offer and customer process so that these could automated in the CRM application..

Great efficiency savings have been made which ensures time is saved on the work floor - time which can be spent on our customers.

Peter van Bilsen

The Solution

Vekoma Rides had previously already invested time and energy in attempting to find the right CRM system. In doing so SuperOffice appeared very distinctive and achieved our wishes.

An interface was built between the ISAH database (ERP) which is used for the after-sales process and the SuperOffice database which is used for sales. All customer and project information is now synchronized and this provides a clear summary of everything that is going on with a customer. For an offer request, an offer project is created and as soon as the assignment is completed the customer is assigned an implementing project number and installed base number. Sales people are always kept informed because they also have access to the SuperOffice database from their mobile (via the SuperOffice app) and can see the arrangements made with the customer immediately.

Using eMarketing the marketing department sends various emails, such as invitations to trade fairs and product developments. We can now reach a large target group conveniently and efficiently and see who has clicked on what in a group email.

The Results

It is now difficult to imagine Vekoma Rides without SuperOffice.

Almost all of our departments, including service, make use of SuperOffice and that ensures that everyone within Vekoma Rides is able to put the customer first. CRM is an ongoing process and it is necessary to continue to scrutinize work processes and to adapt SuperOffice to them. The bar has been set high with the implementation of SuperOffice, which must now be reflected in reality. The objective is to achieve the optimum result with the minimum possible action. “Great efficiency savings have been made which ensures time is saved on the work floor - time which can be spent on our customers”, states Peter van Bilsen.

  • User-friendly system, easily accessible to staff
  • Easy to reach target group with eMarketing
  • Interface between front-office (SuperOffice) and back-office (ISAH)
  • Information always up to date, even en route using the mobile app