Blog: ERP + CRM

The CRM Buyer's Guide (Updated for 2021)

CRM Buyer's Guide

Post summary:

  • Unlike many business tools you subscribe to, CRM software is not a "set it and forget it" type of tool. It's more than technology and takes a serious investment for it to succeed. How can you be sure you are ready for CRM?
  • CRM plays an important role in the growth of any successful business, but finding the right software is complicated and can be expensive. Where do you start with the CRM buying process?
  • In our newly updated buyer's guide, we explain how to succeed with CRM, from research phase to implementation, and help you get the best value out of your CRM system.

CRM software is at the heart of any business.

Using the data that CRM software provides your business, you are able to create a 360 degree overview of your prospects and customers in order to communicate personalized marketing messages that deliver a high ROI.

But, choosing CRM software involves more than simply selecting a provider. And how do you go from the initial discussions and planning stages to then implementing the software and measuring its success?

If you search the web, you will find plenty of CRM guides and business cases about how to choose the right CRM, or how to implement it, but you won't find a CRM guide that breaks down each process into easy to manage steps. Because of this, we created the CRM buyer's guide.

Originally launched in 2014, this comprehensive guide has been downloaded by more than 15,000 CRM buyers, but with the ever changing landscape of CRM, it needed a fresh update to include new topics such as GDPR and customer experience.

So today, we're happy to announce the release of our latest edition of the CRM Buyer’s Guide!

Download your free copy here

Here’s what we have covered in the buyer’s guide:

Chapter 1: Introduction – A breakdown on what you will learn in the CRM buyers’ guide.

Chapter 2: What is CRM? – A simplified explanation of Customer Relationship Management and what it means.

Chapter 3: Why is CRM so important to your business now? - In this section, we will be getting into why CRM is so popular and how your business can benefit from using CRM.

Chapter 4: How Does CRM Work? – CRM is more than just a word or a tool, it’s a philosophy.

Chapter 5: The Top 8 Things a CRM System Can Do for You – We’ll look at how CRM can improve your business processes.

Chapter 6: Mobile CRM - A mobile workforce having access to a CRM is important. We share five key benefits of mobile CRM and how it impacts sales.

Chapter 7: How to Choose the Right CRM Solution for Your Business – There are thousands of solutions out there, from cloud to on premise, buy to subscription based. This section will help you choose the right solution for you.

Chapter 8: Things to Consider When Evaluating CRM Vendors – Once you decide on which solution you want, you need to find a vendor. We’ll help you shortlist the right CRM vendor.

Chapter 9: Measuring the Success of CRM – CRM is not a tool that you can implement and then leave alone. We’ll show you how you can measure the success of your CRM project.

Plus, the buyer's guide also includes:

  • Bonus 1: A FREE KPI (key performance indicator) template to measure CRM success in sales, marketing and customer service improvements through CRM.
  • Bonus 2: A FREE checklist that includes 25 questions you can ask a CRM vendor during a reference call.

Click here to read the Buyer’s Guide to CRM >>


Now in its third edition,  the CRM buyer's guide is finally live.

As CRM software industry evolves, so will the guide and we will continue to update it as we uncover new ways to help simplify the CRM process. The goal of this guide hasn't changed as buying a CRM is complex and purchasing the wrong one is expensive.

This guide was created to make the CRM buying process a lot easier.

If you have downloaded this guide and it has made your life easier when purchasing a CRM system, let us know - we'd love to hear more about your story.


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